Title: Finding the Value of 'g' Using a Simple Pendulum Introduction: In this physics project, high school students will investigate the acceleration due to gravity ('g') using a simple pendulum. Through research, a combination of real and virtual experiments, data analysis, and creating trifold presentations, students will gain a deeper understanding of the factors affecting the period of a pendulum and how it relates to 'g'. This project is designed to be performed in groups to encourage collaboration and teamwork. Materials: Computer or laptop with internet access Virtual simulation software (e.g., PhET simulations) Graphing software (e.g., Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets) Printer (for creating trifold posters) Poster board or paper for trifold posters Writing materials (pens, markers, etc.) String or thread Weight (e.g., a small mass or a washer) Ruler or measuring tape Stopwatch or timer Safety goggles Procedure: Research: a. Begin by researching the...